Everything in the world has energy, including emotions, words, thoughts, actions, and all things people are exposed to, including both living and non-living things. Other than how a person feels, many complex components affect a person’s energy day in and day out.
In the world of energy, much like a tug of war, the dominant force prevails. If a person’s energy is strong, they are in control. If a person's energy is weak, they will be overpowered by external factors, resulting in a sense of powerlessness and lack of control over life.

Energy acts as the "battery" or “fuel” for both mind and body, serving as the invisible driving force behind one's health, wealth, and relationships. Most people navigate life on auto-pilot, unaware of their energy state until problems arise. Thus, it's crucial to protect oneself and ensure an abundance of energy. Energy management enables you to take control of your life, akin to discovering the password to your life.

The Super Life energy management system, developed by Master Ted Sun, is based on the Law of Conservation of Energy and the Law of Cause and Effect, the fundamental principles of physics and science. The law states that energy remains constant; it can only be changed from positive to negative or negative to positive, it cannot be destroyed. Positive energy input yields positive outputs, while negative input yields negative outputs.
The Super Life energy management system teaches individuals to change their energy from negative to positive and generate positive energy input to achieve self-healing and life transformation. Master Ted Sun’s ground-breaking system has changed lives across the globe.